Space and Time

July 4, 2010 love

I wish I was there to hold you,
curled up in my lap like a baby,
to pet your head, your hair, your face, your eyes.

As you rest in my arms,
I would feel your breath slowing,
your tension easing,
your mind slipping into peacefulness.

If this universe were different,
I would slip through its interstices
to find you on the other side,
and share what comfort I could with my touch.

If space and time weren’t in between,
I would be with you now.

But in my heart’s mind,
space and time melt,
And these things are possible,
and they happen now.

I see and feel you next to me,
your breath and softness filling me.

Your tenderness, your gentle spirit,
awakening my softest self,
vulnerable, alive.