Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.
My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.
Here are some of them.
March 16, 2014
Between two egos,
love is an agreement,
A set of mutual expectations.
Between two hearts,
love is a softening of egos,
A relaxing of boundaries.
Between two Spirits,
love is unity,
Without expectations,
Without boundaries.
March 4, 2014
we stood
strong and deep,
open and vulnerable,
like lovers,
like children.
Where did that
innocence go,
sharing little truths,
Why do we stand apart,
having once
stood together?
How does fear
drive away
February 11, 2014
“I will love you always”
may be true, always,
because love exists
outside of time.
And yet, things change.
Thoughts and feelings
come and go.
Love seems to disappear,
when the mind rules,
and the heart shuts down.
And, in each moment,
there is a choice:
to re-open our hearts,
to revisit that place,
outside of time,
where Spirit lives.
love will still be there.
It is always there,
as we come and go.
January 29, 2014
There was a moment
when we shared being,
with a word,
with silence.
Sinking past separateness,
egos relaxing,
we discovered ourselves
in each other.
What do we protect,
when we protect ourselves?
The fragile shell of “me”
against the dangerous waters of “you”,
the pushes and shoves of identity
pressing for primacy,
each “I’ a bubble imagined,
guarding its perimeter,
in a limitless sea.
January 1, 2014
it's nice to love you,
like 2 babies in a crib,
smiling, playing,
looking, touching.
no ideas, no hope or worries;
no future, no theories;
no reasons,
no blame.
a beloved face,
a delightful sound:
your voice,
a gentle touch: your skin,
a soothing warmth:
your heart.
I see the child in you,
tender and defenseless;
I look deeper,
and see my soul,
the soul we share.
It's nice to love you,
expecting nothing.
Naivete leaves me;
dreams disperse,
It’s just me, in my life,
seeing you, in yours.
Our paths veer
like mountain roads,
diverging, colliding;
sometimes touching, gently,
for a moment or two.
This does not fit in any box I know;
these moments pop into being, and pass.
There is a flow
that cannot be followed.
These are our paths,
not to understand,
but simply to be open to their grace.
These are blessings beyond reason.
I accept them.
January 1, 2014
It lies between us,
Raw and beautiful.
We stand on the same ground,
Invisible beneath us.
Two drops of the same sea,
It flows between us,
Beyond understanding.
January 1, 2014
It isn’t convenient to love you,
Sometimes it brings me pain -
The struggle to get what I think I lack,
The yearning for safety or gain.
Losing the joy of the moment,
I grasp at dreams that came,
Then I let them go, hopeless and grateful,
And I love you, just the same.
January 1, 2014
In your clockwork world,
How simple is the swaying of our hearts,
finely tuned,
bound by perfection?
What gives life to this exquisite mechanism,
its animal breath subdued,
its wild heart tamed
to a medicated rhythm?
Where is love,
messy and alive,
pregnant and imperfect,
in your clockwork world?
December 6, 2013
If you were naked beside me,
I would nurture you
In every inch of your body.
I would love each curve and crevasse,
As I love myself,
As I love this life.
Your skin would be my road,
Your breasts, my hills and valleys,
The space between your thighs,
My resting place.
Your beating heart would be my song,
Your pulse, my dance.
Your climb to ecstasy would be my prayer,
And your release, my answer.
November 12, 2013
What opens the heart?
What penetrates the shield of thought,
The armor of story?
What lets us stand naked,
Open and vulnerable,
Standing on nothing,
Floating in everything?
Love unreasoning
Rips the curtain.
Light shines through,
If only for a moment.
In the river of everything,
“I” bumps into “I”’,
Melting into unity,
Melding in the moment.
Then the waters rush,
As entropy tugs,
And each “I” re-blooms
Into separateness.
And then,
The dance continues,
And continues.