Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

god is

March 1, 2023

god is in a sunset,
and god is in a shoe.

god is in all living things,
and god is in me, too.

god is what sees through my eyes
and shows me what is true.

god is what I see around me,
and what I see in you.


February 1, 2023

I sit in meditation,
striving to be present,
while my cat sits before me,
always present.

Why strive so hard
to get your shit together,
when all you’ll ever get,
is a neater pile of shit?

Why not just let it go,
enjoying a moment,
however brief,
of being shitless?

and then…

December 15, 2022

(with gratitude to R. Crumb)

I had the epiphany
that I am free
of all the thoughts
that limit me

that I am connected
to everyone
and everything

and then
I did the dishes

All We Need

December 5, 2022

Why do we mythologize ourselves,
inventing little nuggets
of meaning and drama,
shaping our lives into the form
of a well-loved story?

Should it not be enough
that each one of us
is an inexplicable miracle,
in a universe of miracles?

Why explain the ineffable,
when accepting it with wonder
is all we really need?

such sweet sorrow

November 30, 2022

there is a certain
sublime surcease
in surrendering to sadness
to sit in succulent silence
serenely satisfied
by such sweet sorrow

Cogito ergo sum

November 21, 2022

I think,
therefore I am,
but I am not
what I think.

And the more I think,
the less I remember
what I really am.


September 26, 2022

The boat you float in
isn’t real.

It is held together
with your resistance.

Give in,
and let the water take you.

It is where you came from.

It is your home.

You don’t need to float
above the water.

You ARE the water.

Time To Play

August 2, 2022

There is a lonely child
hiding inside you,
waiting to be seen.

Let them know
they are safe.

Let them know
this is a beautiful world,
and that it’s time
to play!


July 25, 2022

To “satisfy”
is “to make enough”.

The only way
to be truly satisfied
is to look inside,
until you discover
that what you already have
is enough to make you happy.


July 5, 2022

Control is a mirage
in the desert of our fevered thoughts.

We thirst for relief
from the barren landscape we have imagined,
blind to the truth that there IS no desert,
and that everything we need
is all around us.