Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.
My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.
Here are some of them.
October 9, 2016
We mostly live In bubbles
of our own imaginings,
little worlds
of story,
and fear.
When that membrane
that protects and isolates
touches the big world,
something resonates,
or buzzes with alarm.
We shrink,
hardening our skin,
sinking further
into separateness,
or we expand,
letting in
the bigness,
bit by bit.
October 9, 2016
There is nothing
to become.
To peal away
the layers
of thought and story,
of fear and regret,
is to reveal
what was hidden,
the being
that always was,
and always is.
There is nowhere
to go,
only the discovery
of where
we already are.
October 9, 2016
Why does a rainbow
seem to signify
how beautiful
the world is?
How easily
we forget,
but how simply
we can remember!
October 9, 2016
The mind
is our tool
for finding
what’s missing,
what’s wrong,
what needs fixing.
it seeks problems;
its thoughts -
the weapons
to vanquish them.
As it seeks and seeks,
it will find a problem
it cannot fix -
the busyness
of its own thinking,
the endless chain
of healing
the wounds
it has thought
into existence.
And it may see
its own complicity
(creating the obstacles
that stand in the way
of seeing),
and, in a moment of grace,
it may stand aside,
allowing us a glimpse
of our own perfection.
October 9, 2016
Every experience
is a gift.
It is our choice
to receive it
with gratitude,
or indifference.
This is how
we choose our path,
creating each step
as we go.
October 9, 2016
The less you worry
about opinions,
(especially your own)
the freer you will be!
October 9, 2016
Our myths are our striving
to explain the inexplicable.
Craving understanding,
we build mechanisms of magic,
make miracles out of the mundane.
But what if everything that is
IS magical,
and each moment of life
a miracle?
Abandoning our stories,
is it not more glorious
to stand in wonder,
sinking deeper into mystery,
the more we look?
October 9, 2016
I have an old car -
it gets me
where I need to go,
without incident.
it has dents on the outside,
door handles and windows
that don’t work.
It is full of quirks
and noises.
It gets me
where I need to go,
without incident,
and I am grateful.
I have a body
which has known
younger years.
It was leaner,
and more nimble.
It loses energy,
and needs more sleep.
It wakes me up,
with minor aches and pains,
and the urge to pee.
It is the vessel
my spirit drives around in.
It gets me
where I need to go,
without incident,
and I am grateful.
October 9, 2016
is what the mind sounds like
when it isn’t thinking.
It is the yang
to the yin
of silence.
October 9, 2016
In our minds,
is a form of energy.
We can trade it
for a bigger something,
a sexier something,
a more secure something,
a more respected something.
It becomes the air we breath,
the drug that sustains us,
the wall that protects us
from the fear
that we are not complete
as we are.