Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

Thinking About Einstein

July 27, 2016

If God does not play dice
with the Universe,
does God play dice
with dice?

How can Creation
allow randomness
in one domain,
but not another?

Perhaps this universe
is just one stream
in an infinite flow
of universes,
in which everything
that could happen
does happen.

So, in any moment,
there are an infinite number
of paths we can choose,
and an infinite number
we can’t.

And so,
there are always
infinite reasons for rejoicing,
and infinite reasons for regret,
and, always,
infinite choices
for moving on.

The cause and the solution

July 27, 2016

Everywhere we look,
there is violence,
and hatred.

And how
is this virus spread?

Through our words
and actions.

And what
is the remedy?

what we say and do
with tolerance
and compassion.

We are the cause,
and the solution.

Closest to the truth

July 27, 2016

Those who whine
the loudest
are seldom those
who are closest
to the truth.

The Story of Your Life

July 21, 2016

The story of your life
is only words.

Erase them,
and start anew!

May this new chapter
be an open book
in which
your most spontaneous
and deeply felt wishes
are written,
bringing you
ever closer
to your truest being.

Making Pie

July 19, 2016

When life gives you lemons,
make key lime pie,
but make it anew,
with lemons
instead of limes!


July 1, 2016

As technology advances,
it is increasingly easy
to spread misinformation and ignorance,
as much as information and wisdom.

And so
it behooves us,
to be more mindful
of what we say,
and careful
what we believe!

Who I am

June 6, 2016

Who I am
is like a river flowing.

What carried me here
is just a stream
of moments,
now gone,
that only live in story.

Poised in this current,
I drift ahead,
by the moment,
into a sea
which is not yet created,
birthed in imagination.

This life

April 17, 2016

This life of mine
does not live up
to my expectations.

I am blindsided
by tragedies
and disappointments,
not expected,
and not wanted.

And likewise,
I am lifted up
by joyful surprises,
life’s unexpected gifts.

Freed of expectations,
this life is a wondrous trip,
full of ups and downs,
and always
worth the ride.

Cruelty and kindness

April 17, 2016

Our universe
is not cruel,
and neither
is it kind.

It simply IS,
a container
for everything,
matter and mind,
energy and spirit.

It is WE
who think and feel
who create cruelty
and kindness,
needless suffering,
and compassion.

It is always our choice,
our burden,
our gift,
seen or unseen,
to do so.


April 7, 2016

There is no God,
and there is nothing
which is not God.

God is in a sunset,
as God is in a piece of shit.

Everything that grows
is God,
and everything that decays
is also God.

God surrounds us,
suffuses us,
is us.

There is no God
who watches us;
we are the eyes of God,
the eyes of the universe,
knowing itself.