Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

“Who am I?”

March 17, 2016

Of all the creatures
of this Earth,
perhaps we are
the only ones
who ask
“Who am I?”

For each of us,
asking this
may lead to downfall,
drowning in identity,
or salvation,
dissolving into being.

Grace creeps up

March 17, 2016

Grace creeps up upon us,
beyond circumstance,
like the air around us,
pervasive and sustaining.

It is something
beyond understanding,
best met
only with gratitude,
surrendering the urge
to find its source.

This is the moment
when the membrane
of separation
and we are re-united
with the Divine
that contains us,
our home,


March 10, 2016

We are always
by miracles.

is that moment
of recognition,
when a miracle
pops through
into awareness.

To be mindful
and ready,
in each moment,
is the greatest gift.

Life dances endlessly

March 10, 2016

dances endlessly,
each moment perfect,
in dynamic balance.

Accepting its flow,
we share its power
as conscious partners.

being’s boundless energy
winds down to nothing,
dead and frozen,
or spins off
into chaos.

In every instant
is a seed,
a quantum lever,
the mind’s fulcrum:
a choice
to ride the wave,
or tumble
in its wake.


February 17, 2016

A poem
   is a tool

     to eff
        the ineffable,

           to paint
              the invisible,

                 to sing
                    the silence.


February 14, 2016

Breathing in,
I receive the gift of life.

Breathing out,
I share this gift.

For every breath we take in,
there are countless creatures,
those who crawl and walk,
swim and fly,
who are likewise gifted.

And every breath we give out
gives life to countless others,
growing in green profusion,
breathing in
what we breathe out,
all in perfect balance.


January 23, 2016

The world
inside my head
is not the world
inside your head.

There is a world outside
which we will always share,
but will never know


January 23, 2016

Each moment
we are alive
is a gift
freely given.

Each moment
we notice
we are alive
is a gift
gratefully received.

So is the circle
as the universe
sees its own wholeness
through our eyes.

The World Inside

January 23, 2016

is striving to shrink
the world outside
to match the world

is striving to expand
the world inside
to embrace
the world


January 23, 2016

At its best,
a relationship
allows two people
to see
what is
most human,
and most good
in each other,
encouraging them
to be that,
and express that,
without wanting
or expecting
them to change.