Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.


January 23, 2016

To cultivate presence
through practicing

is to open the mind
to its natural state,

a state of

a sea of

our authentic selves

can express
our creativity

and our

My Own Demographic

January 23, 2016

My Demographic

as performed by Little Davey and the Metrics
(with apologies and gratitude to Pete Townshend)

Companies try to pin us down,
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)
On the World Wide Web, as we surf around,
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)

Selling us a drink, or selling a toke,
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)
I hope I die before I go broke.
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)

My Demographics,
My Demographics, baby.

Why don’t you all give up your greed,
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)
And don’t try to sell what we don’t need.
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)
Won’t be a part of your consumer traffic,
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)
I don’t wanna be in your demographic.
(Talking’ ‘bout My Demographics)

My Demographic,
My Demographic, baby.
I am my own demographic,
My own demographic, baby!


January 23, 2016

If we love someone
with all our heart,
can we give them the gift
of simply being with them,
for at least a few minutes each day,
with love and acceptance,
without demands or judgement?

Can we love ourselves
that same way?


January 23, 2016

When we talk to ourselves,
who talks to who,
and who is it
that hears the conversation?

Who is it
that can observe
all this going on,
and wonder:
who are all these I’s?

Perhaps they are all
just smoke and mirrors,
eddies in the flow of consciousness,
the river of “I am”.

like rain drops,
forming and dissolving,
each one catches the light
for a moment,
and then disappears.


January 23, 2016

This little me
that I think I am
can not deserve
or hold
the freedom
of being everything.

what if
that is just a fitful dream,
and there is nothing here
except everything?

Perhaps the gift
of waking up
is becoming Nobody,
and inheriting everything
that we thought we weren’t.

Doors and Windows

January 23, 2016

There is a universe
inside us
where everything
is reachable.

we build our little worlds
within our minds,
rooms of thoughts and memories,
doors and windows closed
to the vastness beyond.

How simple
(in a moment of choice)
to look beyond them,
and remember
that they are merely imagined,
and that we stand
in the middle of everything.

Born in This Moment

January 23, 2016

Held softly
in the world’s embrace,
senses swimming,
bathed in light and sound,
touch and smell,
I am born in this moment,
still cradled
in my Mother’s womb.

A Thanksgiving Prayer

November 26, 2015

Thank you
for this breath.

Thank you
for this day.

Thank you
for this beautiful world,
and thank you
for these loving hearts
around me.


November 23, 2015

If you ever have the thought
“I can’t be trusted”,
should you trust the opinion
of someone
who doesn’t trust

Or should that thought
simply not be trusted?

The place
that question comes from
is trust’s true source.

my life

November 22, 2015

The story of my life
is not my life.

The drama of your story
is not your essence.

The morals of our stories
are not our truths.

When we look at our story,
and what is beyond it,
and see ourselves
outside it,
that is our life,
our essence,
our truth.