Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.
My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.
Here are some of them.
October 12, 2015
God is not a thing.
God is the essence
that permeates
ALL things.
October 11, 2015
I do not believe in God,
and I do not believe in air.
I trust that there are things
I cannot see and hear
which shape the world around me.
Many teachers,
scientists and mystics,
have pointed the way,
and, at times,
my own senses
have confirmed their wisdom.
I do not believe in air,
yet that is the sea
I live and swim in.
So it is with Spirit,
which some call God,
always with us,
around us,
in us,
whatever it is called.
October 9, 2015
is a natural state.
It arises spontaneously
when we get out of our own way.
October 9, 2015
Everything dances.
Order dances with disorder,
Light dances with dark.
Form dances with emptiness,
Life dances with death.
is a dance.
October 6, 2015
The contents of the mind
are not the mind,
Just as clouds
Are not the sky.
Our thoughts
will float freely
through our awareness,
when we let them go,
like clouds,
against an endless blue sky.
October 5, 2015
I am not
who I think I am
(that is only thinking).
I am not
the dream of my life -
I am the dreamer.
October 2, 2015
All my life,
I have been trying
to see who I am.
beyond the eyes that see,
who I am
is the sea
I swim in.
I can not see it
because I AM it,
and it is me.
I can only feel
the fulness of it,
the gift of it,
in its completeness.
September 30, 2015
Each life
is like a drop of water,
flowing from its source,
condensed into being,
and soon to evaporate,
or merge with the sea.
It is a precious jewel,
in its moment of existence,
in an infinite chain
of precious jewels.
Each one
is a universe itself,
a reflection,
in its moment,
of the Whole.
September 29, 2015
Learning is a choice.
No one can never teach anyone anything!
We can only point toward what another
may be willing or able to learn.