Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.
My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.
Here are some of them.
September 24, 2015
Our eyes
are the eyes
of Spirit,
born to see itself.
encumbered in flesh,
yoked to a primate brain,
our vision narrows,
until only what is wanted,
or what is feared,
is seen.
there is a seed
in every mind,
a vault
bigger than ourselves
that holds
it’s own heritage,
a gateway
to what birthed us,
a path back home.
September 21, 2015
Every moment
is pregnant
with life’s gifts,
and rife
with life’s dangers.
To awaken
in the moment
is to stand
at a fulcrum,
an opening
for gratitude
or action.
September 18, 2015
To see without labels
is to see like a newborn
swimming in a sea of everything,
drinking it all in,
from the anchor of thought.
September 18, 2015
The masks we wear
don’t grow with us,
but shrink and crack,
with time and change,
unless they are fed
and cared for.
Without the ego’s nurturing,
they fall away,
in time,
we stand naked
before everyone,
as from a chrysalis,
into light.
It is a death,
of sorts,
and an awakening.
September 14, 2015
The world is a dangerous place,
as is the human mind.
If neither has killed me yet,
then there is something left
for me to do.
Each being
has a role to fill,
a path to walk,
and it is my burden
and my gift
to follow mine.
September 7, 2015
All My Opinions
In the end,
What do all my opinions
Come down to?
Emptiness and noise!
Beneath the noise
Is the TRUE emptiness,
Peaceful and eternal,
Creative and alive.
September 6, 2015
What We Pray To
Every “ism”
is a map,
a path
from where we think we are
to where we always are,
where we have forgotten.
And, when we stand there,
if only for a moment,
there is nothing to follow,
no goal to pursue.
We stand
in an infinite kingdom,
free to wander,
at home
in an endless garden.
August 30, 2015
In this age
of rampant Narcissism,
those who are richest
may take the biggest selfies.
we have The Donald,
self-proclaimed star of
“Running for President”,
as if our entire nation
were a reality show.
But what would happen,
if nobody watched?
August 30, 2015
In the mind’s eye,
things arrange themselves
like nesting boxes,
or branching trees,
or trains of things
and thoughts.
In the hierarchy of ideas,
everything exists
Inside of, or outside of,
next to, or away from,
under, or above,
everything else.
But, beyond the mind
Is the Great Soup of Being.
It is not inside the mind,
or outside;
there is no “inside”,
there is no “outside”,
there simply is.
August 30, 2015
Our lives are spent
making up worlds,
avoiding emptiness.
And yet,
to embrace the emptiness
is to breathe freely,
making room
to be.