Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

What We Create

July 15, 2015

Our history shows us
that, as humans,
we can create almost anything
we can imagine.

So, our question is always,
what is worth imagining?


July 15, 2015

We are born naked,
without disguise.

And then,
as we learn to walk and talk,
to grasp at what we want,
we clothe ourselves In Ego,
moving through the world
with the shroud of “I” around us,
Safe, separate, and alone.

To walk this world
naked one more time,
stripped of expectations,
me dissolving into everyone
and everything,
newborn once again.

our greatest gift

July 10, 2015

Our deepest love
is the brightest mirror
to our true self.

To see that mirror
is our greatest gift,
and our birthright.

The Power Of One (33 Steps)

July 9, 2015

To bring peace to the world
may seem an impossible task.

Yet, to bring peace to oneself
is doable.

And if,
having found peace,
each one would share it
with two others,
who would each share
with two more,
where would it end?

Just as our cells replicate
in their exponential dance,
so could the peace
of one human soul spread
to encompass everyone.

As 2 becomes 4,
and 4 becomes 8,
there are only
between peace for one,
and peace for everyone.

Independence Day: a Reflection

July 4, 2015

And the sky exploded,
bleeding and booming,
sprouting ruptured rainbows;

a celebration
spectacular enough
to short-circuit the mind
with the sheer exuberance
of being alive!

can be felt,
but not understood;
it lives in experience,
not in rhetoric.


July 4, 2015


When those you love
slip away,
beyond the realm of things,
it is like rock dissolving,
icons turning into smoke.

Our minds build museums
full of statuesque certainty,
which always crumbles,
returning to dust.

And, in those clouds of dust,
is the essence,
not of memories,
but of love itself.


June 22, 2015

Ignorance is bliss,
until it catches up with you!

A Simple Prayer

June 20, 2015

I honor my Self,
and the Spirit
that is in me,
and all around me.

the path forward

June 18, 2015

All too often,
as we move through our lives,
We direct our attention
at obstacles we wish to avoid,
or objects of desire
we wish to pursue.

But the path forward,
back to our true nature,
can be found by following,
not these obstacles,
these objects of desire,
but rather,
the emptiness between them.

Labels - A Reflection

June 16, 2015

If there were no Conservatives,
no Libertarians,
no Liberals,
we would still be blessed
to be ourselves,
and further blessed
to have this thread
of communication,
and respect
to join us.