Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

Our Gift

April 15, 2015

Being human,
we are gifted with minds
big enough to dream
of our own freedom,
or our own captivity.

And it is our gift,
and our curse,
to live what we dream.

Two Ways Home

April 14, 2015

We came from Spirit,
and we will return to Spirit.

And even,
in our brief lives,
when our minds may drift
into forgetfulness,
we are Spirit still.

Until, in a moment of seeing,
the light of remembrance
pierces through our darkness,
And we are already,

Our best teachers
Are those who remind us
of what is best in ourselves,
and point the way
to our path back home.

Life Moves On

April 12, 2015

Life moves on.

We either move with it,
or tumble
in its wake.


April 6, 2015

All our lives,
we woo ourselves,
and, sometimes,
even fuck ourselves,
for better
or for worse.

we are sometimes reborn
through our own wombs.

A Melange

April 6, 2015

I arrange
a melange
of muskellunge,
lest a change
may impinge,
or rearrange
my fringe,
my strange,

My Pain

April 2, 2015

My pain is not special;
it’s the same
as everyone’s.

My joy is not mine to keep;
it is everyone’s as well.

I am not the owner
of my feelings.

I am but one part
of the Earth’s family,
sharing this experience
of being human.


April 1, 2015

We do not
HAVE energy;
we ARE energy.

It is our choice,
in each moment,
how we direct it.

or unconscious,
this is how
we create our lives.

Ego & Freedom

March 28, 2015

When your ego is broken,
it can be painful news.

Or it can be the freedom
you have longed for.


March 27, 2015

Ignorance is not
a simple lack of knowledge.

It is an attachment
to a narrow way of thinking,
the unwillingness
to see things differently.

An Unexamined Thought

March 25, 2015

An unexamined thought
  is like a knife in a drawer,
    an unseen weapon
     that can grow
       into poison.

It can slip
  into the soup
    of our consciousness
    in mindfulness,
we recognize
  its bitter taste.

In the light of our awareness,
  the mind is our greatest gift,
    but, when we sleepwalk
     through our own darkness,
       it can be our undoing.