Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.


February 23, 2015

Through these lenses,
a million jewels dance,
in the snow,
the ice,
the water,
into vibrant life.

In other light,
they would fade
into nothing,
in obscurity.

What other jewels
lie shrouded
by the lense of seeing,
to be discovered only
as we learn to look
with different eyes?

For each way of seeing,
there is a new universe
sparkling into view,
as our eyes and minds
grant it being.

To Come Unglued

February 21, 2015

If I were to come unglued,
what would I be,
unconstrained by thought,
unrestricted by convention,

If we allow what holds us together
to dissolve,
what remains?

Inside the shell of reason
is energy unfettered,
like the dance of atoms,
life expressing itself,
flowing freely,
waiting to be born.

Black & White

February 20, 2015

Life is not black and white,
nor is the truth.

In the light of reality,
there are infinite shades
of light and dark,
infinite nuances
of color.

Black and white
are only ideas.

The canvas of life
is all the shades between.

Different Paths

February 19, 2015

In our world of ideas,
there is Buddhism,
and Hinduism,

In the world of being,
there are no “isms”.

There is only One,
and inseparable.

Only in our minds
does it fragment,
breaking into complexity,
an infinity of paths,
all to the same truth.

This is where ALL our teachers
have pointed.

This is where we started from
and, with Grace,
where we may return.


February 16, 2015

I have hung
my favorite painting
upside down.

What else
am I not seeing
in its truest perspective?

To Create My Life

February 12, 2015

I am finding the strength
and inspiration,
moment by moment,
day by day,
to create my life.

A Pathway Back

February 9, 2015

In every one of us,
there is a universe of pain
we are bound to run away from,
addicted to avoidance,
slipping into waking sleep.

Soothed by unconsciousness,
we lose the vibrant sting of feeling,
bit by bit, day by day,
running further and further
from ourselves.

And each stab of pain
is an invitation,
a pathway back,
to stand poised,
as sleep beckons,
and observe the pain
and the urge to flee.

At the fulcrum of choice,
this moment of seeing,
lies our power.

This is being alive!


February 6, 2015

are too complex
to ever fully understand.

The best we can do
is to keep our hearts and minds open,
and love each other
as best we can.

A Tree Stands Naked

January 6, 2015

A tree stands naked
Against the gently roiling sky,
Fuzzy with potential,
Nascent green against the grey.

Likewise do I stand here empty,
On the brink of everything,
Poised to grow and change,
The energy of life
Moving through me.

A New Year’s Prayer

December 31, 2014

As we enter a new year,
may we greet each day with gratitude,
and, with our words and actions,
create the world we want to live in.