Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

How the Light Dances

September 1, 2014

It is how the light dances,
and how we dance with the light
that shapes our vision.

All is energy,
seen and seer,

What Lies Within

August 29, 2014

Why do we try so hard to protect ourselves,
when what lies within us
is so powerful,
so complete
and undying?

Why do we protect this illusion,
this veil
that covers our true magnificence,
our birthright.

Why, knowing what is inside,
do we cover it at all?

Fragments & Glimpses

August 29, 2014

There is a scared and whimpering child inside me,
and there is a tyrant,
a victim,
and a judge.

They do not know they are one,
two sides of a coin.

There is a realist,
and a dreamer,
a planner,
a fixer.

All one.

All drops in the bucket
which is Me,
little mental movies,
fragments and glimpses,
partly understood,
aspects of a Self too big
for the mind to hold.

Our Words

August 23, 2014

There is too much bullshit in our world.

Let us only say what we mean,
and mean what we say.

Words have power
to harm and to heal.

They can be weapons
that intimidate and manipulate,
or tools of wisdom
that nurture and heal.

They spread like cancer,
or like light.

Let us learn to speak responsibly,
with compassion and integrity,
or simply hold our silence.


August 22, 2014

There is wisdom in everything.

A broken tooth falls out,
a broken friendship falls away.

There is space for healing,
for something new to grow.


August 20, 2014

What is the thread of friendship?
Is it seeing and knowing another as they are,
or as you expect them to be?

Is it a letting go, a letting in,
or a contract of mutually agreed behavior?

Is it a flow, a dance,
like water, like wind,
or the choreography of a well-oiled machine,
proceeding safely through its prescribed path?

A machine can wear down,
be broken.
Water and wind dance on,


August 19, 2014

We exist in a field of infinite possibilities.
Hope is simply the willingness
to open oneself
to this field.

The Meaning of Life

August 18, 2014

To know the meaning of life,
watch an animal
simply being.

To know the joy of life,
Watch an animal


August 16, 2014

When one you love has died,
Mourn for their body,
Not their spirit.

Your world has lost a friend,
And gained an angel.


August 5, 2014

Crawling on the floor,
me and my cat,
face to face,
I am suddenly present.

This cannot exist
in the mind,
only in doing.