Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

Who Is Jesus?

April 13, 2014

He was a man
Imbedded in time,
Receding in history.

He is is a story,
Enriched in the telling,
Growing with generations.

He is Spirit,
Buddha spirit,
Mohammed spirit,
Our spirit.

He is a bridge,
To where we came from,
To where we always were.

The World Hugs Us

April 13, 2014

The world hugs us
to this ball of rock,
nestled in its skin,
tender and alive.

By what miracle do we lay here,
balanced between earth and sky,
for a lifetime,
for a moment?


April 10, 2014

    in fur

    in to it


April 10, 2014

Crazy is infinite;
Normal is a thin line.

When those who nurtured us,
fathers of our minds,
mothers of our hearts,
seemed crazy,
each in their own way,
how do,
how should
we follow them?

The line of Normal
is too thin;
Crazy points everywhere.
beyond fear,
amidst the chaos,
is freedom.

Like vs. “Like”

April 7, 2014

I used to like a lot of things,
And I suppose that I still do,
But to “Like” something on Facebook
Has become my bugaboo.

Most things I like don’t haunt me,
As Facebook “Likes” will do,
Spawning like a million fish,
As more messages accrue.

So please don’t be offended,
Or look at me askew,
If, in my desperation,
I decline to just “Like” you!


April 7, 2014

It is not fear that stops us from action,
but the avoidance of fear.

When Emptiness Seeps In

April 6, 2014

When your entertainment ends,
And emptiness seeps in,
Don’t look away.

Let it take your full attention.
It is the drama of the moment,
Played against the nothingness
Of everything.

On the screen of being,
Nothing is assured,
And everything is possible.

Everything Is Now

April 1, 2014

Everything is Now,
Only Now.

The past
Is the mind’s story,
Living only in the telling.

The future is each new moment,
Then Now,
And Now.

Betwen the Words

April 1, 2014

I am the truth that words can’t convey.
I am the space between the words.
I am that I am.


March 22, 2014

In the peaceful space
between my thoughts
lies the quiet pleasure
of simply being.