Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.

My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.

Here are some of them.

A Prayer for the Holidays

December 24, 2017

In this time of change,
as the days grow longer,
may our hearts be open,
and our will grow stronger

To spread the dream
that suffering may cease,
to fill our world
with joy and peace.

A Sea of Peace

December 14, 2017

Peace can easily be found
in tranquil waters,
if we allow the turbulence within
to be calmed
by the peace around it.

there is peace to be found
in turbulent waters,
if we can only look beyond them,
to the sea of peace
that surrounds them
and us, and everything.

Beyond Trying

December 12, 2017

is the path
to a thousand failures,
and failure
is the path
to learning.

is the path
to wisdom,
which, with patience,
leads to freedom.

And I have been trying
and failing,
for so many years,
just to be myself,
only to learn
that I am only myself
when I give up trying.

God’s Face

December 9, 2017

in memory of Kerry L.

Every face
is a facet
of the face of God.

And there are faces
that shine with a special light,
a reflection of what shines
within us all.

When such a soul
passes from this world,
it is our reminder
that God’s face can be glimpsed
in every being around us,
and that we are all blessed
to be in such company.

Little Reminders

December 5, 2017

In the course of time,
things fail.

Old cars
need new parts;
spare tires are only

Eyes grow dimmer,
limbs grow achy.

Each of these changes
can be dealt with,
one at a time,
if we can accept
the inevitability
of change.

In the end,
is temporary,
and everything
is manageable.

Moments of Grace

December 1, 2017

we are visited by Grace,
and we glide through each moment
with peaceful ease.

we feel the sting of ego,
like a hungry insect
puncturing our serenity,
poisoning our sense
of who we are.

And always,
through all our moments
of peace or struggle,
there is that which watches,
from deep within,
ready to accept it all
with equanimity.

And that, too
(when we are moved
to watch what watches),
is Grace.

Your Crooked Smile

November 20, 2017

Now that the breath of life has left you,
now that your bones are ash,
still your crooked smile will linger,
emblazoned in my memory,
shining in my heart.

It will be the last of you to fade,
but only when I too am gone,
along with all the others
who have known you,
loved you.

We will all be dust one day,
but, as we roam the hills and valleys
of our own allotted space and time,
there will always be the beacon
of your crooked smile.

What Actually Happened

November 10, 2017

What if there was a “news” site
that presented the rumours, opinions,
and outright lies of each day
as a quiz, with one item,
interspersed among them,
that actually happened?

Could we train ourselves
to recognize this ever-present useless,
pernicious nonsense when we see it,
if we felt motivated enough
to look for it every day?

Could we cure ourselves of the addiction
to the adrenalin rush of feeling right,
the seductive pull of affirmation bias,
if we were inspired by the possibility
of finding out the truth?

Should we wait for the prodding
of some enlightened soul’s initiative,
spoonfed for our own electronic enlightenment,
or should we take it upon ourselves
to ferret out what is real, and what isn’t,
in this deluge of information
that we are nearly drowning in each day?

the angels in our lives

November 8, 2017

There are gifts
we take for granted
when they linger
from day to day.

We only see
what’s just been given,
or what has just
been taken away.

We are blinded
by the sameness
of what stays with us
by and by.

Until these gifts
are torn away,
and, in our grief,
we wonder why.

But there are those
who always see these gifts,
who see each day
with grateful eyes;
they are the ones
whose vision guides us
and they are the angels
in our lives.


November 7, 2017

The world my mind wants
never changes.

The world I live in
always changes.

If I could choose
to change the world
or change my mind,
I would change my mind,
and not the world.

The world will always be
as it will be,
but my mind
can always be
what I choose it to be.