Beyond the world of discovery that music has been for me, there was always the bigger world, the universe of questions about what we’re a part of, how it works, and how to best fit into the larger whole.
My love of words, a fascination with scientific, philosophical, and spiritual inquiry, and a quiet determination to learn how to be a better human (and a happier man) have led me on a path of shaping my experience, breath by breath, into poems.
Here are some of them.
August 13, 2015
is not our birthright.
It is our gift,
to be able to overcome
the complexity
of our own thinking.
August 11, 2015
In this world,
there are no evil people,
but yet,
much evil is done.
Through the myth of “I”,
the wedge of fear,
we deny the bonds of nature,
and stand alone,
suffering in our ignorance.
To strike out against another
is only possible
when we forget our birthright,
that we were always,
and always will be,
August 2, 2015
A leaf
down a stream
has no story.
We may follow it,
as it spills into a river,
and then into the sea;
or trace it backwards
to the branch it grew on,
the bud it sprang from.
we add
the thread of history
that our minds weave,
as we do with our own lives.
To the leaf,
there is only this instant
of vibrant aliveness,
flowing onward.
What a gift
it would be,
to see ourselves
this simply.
July 29, 2015
This body that I live in
is like a faithful toaster,
a trusty appliance
that has served me well.
If my toaster broke,
I would say a quick farewell,
and buy another,
or do without toast,
at least for a while.
Can I let go of this “me”
as easily,
when my time has come,
floating on
to What’s Next?
July 26, 2015
Before history,
our ancestors stood in fear,
in their minds’ eye,
for unseen danger.
Time and again,
their big brains saved them,
skirting perils unimagined
by simpler minds.
And now,
we walk
through a safer world,
wrapped in a cocoon
of civilization.
But still,
the fear remains,
that something unseen
and dangerous
always lurks nearby.
In the slow dance of evolution,
our big brains
still scan that unseen jungle,
always alert,
a heartbeat away
from fight or flight.
And what else,
in this world we are building,
might our big brains see,
beyond that jungle?
In the mind’s eye,
our world is infinite,
if we choose to look,
and always,
just a blink away,
is the Garden
we were born from.
July 26, 2015
is the key to everything.
Without it,
we live in a very small
and rigid world,
stuck with what we like,
and stuck, as well,
with what we don’t like.
July 21, 2015
The mind
Is a priority machine.
Idle for a moment,
it will find an image to follow,
a call for what’s next.
Either we awaken to that moment,
choosing a path that calls
from our heart and soul,
or we slip back,
along the track of unconsciousness,
again and again,
through who we were,
unaware of who we are,
and who we can become.
July 16, 2015
Each pair of eyes
sees a world
to the beholder.
To love another being
is to borrow their eyes,
to see the universe
they live in,
at the same time
as our own.
Each one is a sliver
of the greater Whole,
beyond what any one
can see.
The more we love,
the more these glimpses
stretch our boundaries,
more and more
of What Is.